Friday, July 11, 2008


........deserves a quiet night. I don't think all - oh, you didn't listen to REM in the 90's? Well then, you are missing out!

Anyway, I did my 3 mile run last night and it went pretty well. I ran the first 2 miles in a .5 mile loop which was kind of boring, but nice because I just zoned out and did it without thinking. It was pretty dark out when I started my last mile, but the streetlights in the neighborhood gave off plently of light. I felt like I was keeping up a good pace, but I didn't feel like I was having to push myself too hard. Happily, my pace was 10:35 and I was really pleased with that. Especially because my legs were pretty achy from my ballet workout the night before.

I usually continue to listen to my ipod while I'm walking to cool down. Last night, however, I took my earphones out and just listened to the night sounds. It was so peaceful - well, up until a large dog started running towards me. That kind of ruined my zen-like mood.

Things I learned: I like nightrunning.

1 comment:

Jamie McQ said...

I'm not sure all these people understand...

I love that song! And can't wait to read your blog and be inspired by your training!