Monday, July 21, 2008


So last night I.RAN.FIVE.MILES!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the first time ever! Can you tell that I'm a little excited? I was a little apprehensive starting out last night because my stomach was not feeling oh so great. We ate a new Mexican restaurant on Saturday night and let's just say I don't think I'll be going back anytime soon. I don't really think it was the establishment, but just that my system is not used that kind of food. It was good though.

Anyway, I was nervous about the run because of my stomach and also because - 5 miles. That just sounds so more intimidating that 4 miles. It is more of a milestone. But I did it! I didn't push myself too hard since I already didn't feel great. I also wanted to make sure that I would have enough left for that last mile. It was pretty humid out last night which slowed me down a bit too. My pace was 10:56 which isn't great, but isn't horrible either. I really feel like I need to re-calibrate my nike+ system, but I just haven't had a chance to. I'd also like to find a track to run on so I could test my time for real. What I'm hoping is that my nike+ is telling me that I am running slower and shorter distances than I really am. It is going to be a big letdown if the opposite is true.

About 3.5 miles into my run something flew into my eye. I thought it was a bug at first because I could feel something in my eye. Then the stinging started - OMG - I have never felt such painful stinging in my eye before. I thought maybe it was sweat (and a bug?) but I couldn't get it out. I didn't want to stop running because I was so far along and also because there was really nothing I could do. I still had about 20 minutes before D came to pick me up and it was already too dark to walk home. So I put my hand over my eye and kept going. I'm sure I looked like a deranged pirate who had lost their eye patch and was having to improvise. The pain subsided a bit and I was eventually able to continue in a normal running stance. My head was filled with thoughts of getting home and fishing that annoying bug out of my eye. Ah - the relief it would bring. I got home and went directly to the bathroom mirror. Guess what? No bug, no nothing. I hoped that it would work its way out while I slept. This morning I woke up to a red, goopy (sorry!) eye, but no bug and no relief. I'm wearing my glasses right now debating on whether or not I need to go to the eye doctor. Ugh.

What I learned: I am stronger than I give myself credit for.

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