Tuesday, July 29, 2008

last night

And once again, I was behind a day on my runs. I was exhausted and crampy on Sunday so I gave myself the day off. At least I'm able to make up my days when I miss them instead of just skipping them. I'm pretty proud of myself for staying so motivated. Anyway, I did my second 5 mile run last night. It was HOT outside so I really took it easy. My pace was around 11:00 and while I was not thrilled about it, I'm trying to not let it bother me. My main focus right now is increasing my distance and endurance and I need to remember that. I have a good excuse anyway, there were freaking bats diving at my head while I was running. That'll get you a little off course, ok? For some reason we were discussing bats at work recently and one of my co-workers said that if you throw rocks up in the air, the bats will dive at them. Well, I got desperate enough to try it, but it didn't seem to work. The bats kept pace with me occasionally flying too close for comfort. I tried to ingnore them, but you have to admit, it's kind of freaky.

I'm still listening to Second Glance by Jodi Picoult - coming soon...........book review!!

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