Sunday, July 20, 2008

it's better to have it

My latest run was 3.5 miles on Thursday evening. I really tried to push myself on this run because I would like to see my pace improve. I know that I really should add intervals to my runs, but for some reason I am hesitant. I think that I am afraid if I run full out for even a short distance then I will be too tired to keep going afterwards. I am thinking of doing a 2 mile run on Wednesday of this week and trying out the intervals then. Anyway, even without adding interval runs yet, I managed to finish with an average pace of 10:28 which was not bad.

I got my RoadID in the mail on Thursday, so I wore that when I went out on my run. I hope that it will never be needed, but it's a good thing to have. It has my name, phone number, and emergency contacts engraved on it should they ever be needed. As D always says (and as I'm sure our future children will tire of hearing), "it's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it!" I got the ankle ID and I was worried that it would bother me having something foreign around my ankle while running. It turns out that I barely even noticed it. With my order I received a coupon code for $1 off - if anyone is interested let me know.

Later today I have a 5 mile run planned. It will be the farthest I've ever run. I'm constantly amazed at the things that come out of my mouth. Last night D and I were on the way to dinner and I told him that I had that 5 miler planned for today - and I said, "I'm not worried about it though, it'll be easy." Where did this person come from? I'll let you know if she's still here after my run later this evening!

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