Wednesday, July 2, 2008

i learned something

Yeah........I had good intentions of updating my blog on the actual day that I run, but that doesn't seem to be happening. I am just too tired after running and showering and eating dinner (and having some wine) to get on the computer and try to be clever. Oh well, it's my blog and I make the rules - so there!

Anyway, I did my 3 mile run last night and the weather was SO NICE! I still waited until about 8:15 to go out and it was in the 70's with low humidity - perfect running weather. I felt really good about my run, but I was disappointed with my pace - 10:34. I really felt like I was going faster than that. This weekend I am planning to recalibrate my nike+ to see if that makes a difference.

Speaking of nike+ipod, have I said how much I love that thing? I love that it keeps track of my distance and my pace and that I can check how far along I am in my run at any time. I especially love coming in after a run and downloading my data so that I can see my progress. It is a really cool gadget, I must say! And for those of you that are wondering, you don't have to have the special Nike shoes to use it. You can simply buy a shoe pouch and attach it to your favorite shoes.

Oh, here's what I learned yesterday - deer are really pretty, but they can make really loud noises and scare the crap out of you. Also, when you are planning to run later in the evening, maybe you shouldn't pick blackberries, groom 2 horses, and brush 1 dog before you head out. It will make you tired.

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