Thursday, July 3, 2008

i'm kind of a nerd

YEAH!! Last night's run was great! It was only 2 miles, but my pace was 10:08. I've been stuck between 10:30-10:45 for so many weeks now, so it was great to finally break that cycle. As I commented a couple of posts back, my stride feels "bouncier" lately. I know that sounds silly, but that's the only way I can think of to describe it. I am attributing this change to the stretching that I've been doing lately. I really feel like it is making a difference.

So, the reason I'm a nerd. I love to read. A lot. So much that I have downloaded audiobooks onto my ipod to listen to while I run. It really is good motivation to go out and run because you want to hear more of the story. Maybe I'll change the name of this blog to the reading runner - lol. Anyway, I finished my first audiobook last night. Well, not my first ever because Dick Francis got me through a lot of 10 hour drives back and forth to middle Tennessee. But, I digress. I finished listening to "The Friday Night Knitting Club" by Kate Jacobs. I originally chose the book because it is about 15 hours long so I figured that I would get the most for my money that way! It turned out to be a really good book and if I have enough time, I plan to review it on here later.

Today I have a 3 mile run planned and I'll also be starting my newest audiobook: "Second Glance" by Jodi Picoult. How exciting!! Told you I'm a nerd.

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