Tuesday, July 29, 2008

last night

And once again, I was behind a day on my runs. I was exhausted and crampy on Sunday so I gave myself the day off. At least I'm able to make up my days when I miss them instead of just skipping them. I'm pretty proud of myself for staying so motivated. Anyway, I did my second 5 mile run last night. It was HOT outside so I really took it easy. My pace was around 11:00 and while I was not thrilled about it, I'm trying to not let it bother me. My main focus right now is increasing my distance and endurance and I need to remember that. I have a good excuse anyway, there were freaking bats diving at my head while I was running. That'll get you a little off course, ok? For some reason we were discussing bats at work recently and one of my co-workers said that if you throw rocks up in the air, the bats will dive at them. Well, I got desperate enough to try it, but it didn't seem to work. The bats kept pace with me occasionally flying too close for comfort. I tried to ingnore them, but you have to admit, it's kind of freaky.

I'm still listening to Second Glance by Jodi Picoult - coming soon...........book review!!

um, yeah

So I'm a little behind on posting, no one is reading this anyway, so no big deal!

The last time I posted was after my first 5 mile run. Since then I've run two 3.5 mile runs and another 5 miler. Woo-hoo!!!! I did my first 3.5 mile run on Tuesday as scheduled, but then didn't get to run my next one until Friday. I was supposed to run it on Thursday night, but I went to a 311 concert on Wednesday and well, let's just say I was still recovering from it on Thursday night. 311 is OLD and so I am - I needed a nap. That's probably going to be the story again tomorrow because I'm going to a Counting Crows concert tonight.

I did make up my second 3.5 miler on Friday evening. D wanted to play disc golf, so I went to a local park with him and ran while he played. It was nice to run somewhere different, although there was no specific loop to follow. I ran along sidewalks, in parking lots, along a gravel road, through the woods, and around a baseball field. That made it interesting. Of course, the most interesting (and scary) thing I saw was a drug deal in the parking lot right as we were leaving. I don't think I'll be visting that park again soon, which sucks. It makes me mad that people do that sort of thing in what should be a safe place for kids, runners, dogs, etc.

To make up for that lost running spot, I found an open track at a local high school! Yay! I have been looking for a track to run on occasionally, but all the ones I've seen are gated and locked. This one is not too far from my house and it is definitely open to the public. Now I just have to talk D into going up there with me and staying to make sure I don't get kidnapped.

Monday, July 21, 2008


So last night I.RAN.FIVE.MILES!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the first time ever! Can you tell that I'm a little excited? I was a little apprehensive starting out last night because my stomach was not feeling oh so great. We ate a new Mexican restaurant on Saturday night and let's just say I don't think I'll be going back anytime soon. I don't really think it was the establishment, but just that my system is not used that kind of food. It was good though.

Anyway, I was nervous about the run because of my stomach and also because - 5 miles. That just sounds so more intimidating that 4 miles. It is more of a milestone. But I did it! I didn't push myself too hard since I already didn't feel great. I also wanted to make sure that I would have enough left for that last mile. It was pretty humid out last night which slowed me down a bit too. My pace was 10:56 which isn't great, but isn't horrible either. I really feel like I need to re-calibrate my nike+ system, but I just haven't had a chance to. I'd also like to find a track to run on so I could test my time for real. What I'm hoping is that my nike+ is telling me that I am running slower and shorter distances than I really am. It is going to be a big letdown if the opposite is true.

About 3.5 miles into my run something flew into my eye. I thought it was a bug at first because I could feel something in my eye. Then the stinging started - OMG - I have never felt such painful stinging in my eye before. I thought maybe it was sweat (and a bug?) but I couldn't get it out. I didn't want to stop running because I was so far along and also because there was really nothing I could do. I still had about 20 minutes before D came to pick me up and it was already too dark to walk home. So I put my hand over my eye and kept going. I'm sure I looked like a deranged pirate who had lost their eye patch and was having to improvise. The pain subsided a bit and I was eventually able to continue in a normal running stance. My head was filled with thoughts of getting home and fishing that annoying bug out of my eye. Ah - the relief it would bring. I got home and went directly to the bathroom mirror. Guess what? No bug, no nothing. I hoped that it would work its way out while I slept. This morning I woke up to a red, goopy (sorry!) eye, but no bug and no relief. I'm wearing my glasses right now debating on whether or not I need to go to the eye doctor. Ugh.

What I learned: I am stronger than I give myself credit for.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

off the subject

I'm toying with the idea of making this a running/life blog. I like the idea of keeping family and friends updated with what we are up to, but I really don't want to keep 3 blogs up to date. On that note, this is who we met yesterday:

How cute are they!?!? We drove a leg of a dog rescue transport to help these little guys (and others) make their way from a kill shelter to a rescue and then eventually their forever homes. It was a great experience - we met lots of dogs and some great people. It really is amazing and wonderful to see good things happen for no other reason than to help make the world a better place. We are inundated and overwhelmed with so many negative images and news stories every.single.day. It's easy to forget that there are good people out there and that good things are happening every day. I plan to transport in the future and urge you to do something good for someone or something else - you will not be sorry!
If you are interested in transporting, let me know and I'll be happy to give you some info. New drivers are always welcome and desperately needed!

it's better to have it

My latest run was 3.5 miles on Thursday evening. I really tried to push myself on this run because I would like to see my pace improve. I know that I really should add intervals to my runs, but for some reason I am hesitant. I think that I am afraid if I run full out for even a short distance then I will be too tired to keep going afterwards. I am thinking of doing a 2 mile run on Wednesday of this week and trying out the intervals then. Anyway, even without adding interval runs yet, I managed to finish with an average pace of 10:28 which was not bad.

I got my RoadID in the mail on Thursday, so I wore that when I went out on my run. I hope that it will never be needed, but it's a good thing to have. It has my name, phone number, and emergency contacts engraved on it should they ever be needed. As D always says (and as I'm sure our future children will tire of hearing), "it's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it!" I got the ankle ID and I was worried that it would bother me having something foreign around my ankle while running. It turns out that I barely even noticed it. With my order I received a coupon code for $1 off - if anyone is interested let me know.

Later today I have a 5 mile run planned. It will be the farthest I've ever run. I'm constantly amazed at the things that come out of my mouth. Last night D and I were on the way to dinner and I told him that I had that 5 miler planned for today - and I said, "I'm not worried about it though, it'll be easy." Where did this person come from? I'll let you know if she's still here after my run later this evening!

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I did go for a run on Tuesday as planned. AND I increased my distance to 3.5 miles! It went well, uneventful actually. The weather was nice again, hot, but not humid. I took a day off from running on Wednesday and did the elliptical machine instead. I needed a break after 2 longish runs in a row. I've noticed that I am able to go faster and longer on the elliptical now than when I was not running. That makes working out on that machine more enjoyable.

This is going to be a short entry because honestly, I can't think of much to say and I've got to get back to work. I'm planning to go on another 3.5 mile run tonight.

What I learned Tuesday is that I am much more comfortable running in a cotton tank top than in a synthetic material shirt that is "supposed" to keep me cooler and drier. I have tried my hardest to like those cool-max or dry-weave or whatever material running shirts, but I just don't. I feel sweatier and hotter in those - go figure. I've always been a bit contrary though!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Another way that I know I'm a runner: we're going on a cruise (my first!) in February and I am SO EXCITED that there is a jogging track on board. What is happening to me?

just do it

I was supposed to do my long run on Sunday, but a little something called a "beach weekend" got in the way! My mom came down to visit on Saturday morning and we headed for the coast. We had gorgeous weather all weekend long which made it especially hard to leave on Sunday afternoon/evening. I honestly planned to run when I got home, no matter what time it was. I'd had a realization earlier in the day about what Nike's slogan "just do it" means. We ended up getting home about 8:45pm, but I came in and changed into my running clothes, grabbed my ipod, and.........realized that my ipod batteries were dead. Super great. At that point, I had a little tantrum and tried to charge it for about 10 minutes to see if that would help. Um, no, it didn't. So I gave up and took a shower.

I redeemed myself by making up that 4 mile run last night. The weather was nice - it was hot, but not too humid. I felt decently OK while running, I was having to push myself just a little bit. I didn't push too hard because honestly I was still tired from the weekend. I was pleasantly surprised when Tiger Woods came on my ipod when I finished to congratulate me! My average pace was 10:22 which I was very pleased with! I guess I am getting a little bit faster without even realizing it because I'm getting more conditioned.

Now my quandry is whether or not to run tonight. My right knee hurt last night before and after running, but not during - try to explain that one. It's hurting in a different place than it has before, so right now I'm just keeping an eye on it. Honestly, I already know that I am going to go running tonight. And I also know that I am going to increase my distance to 3.5 miles from my usual 3. I was thinking about it last night during my run. So much of this running game is mental - I had no idea. That's what I learned this time - that once you get that goal in your head and tell yourself to "just do it" it's actually harder not to do it.

Oh! One other (frivilous) thing I learned: running skirts are super cute and comfy! If you know me, you know that I am very easily influenced about some things. So of course, when Runner's World did a story about the rise in popularity of running skirts, I had to have one. I always stalk the clearance section at Target for workout gear and yesterday, lo and behold, running skirts were on sale. Lucky day!

Friday, July 11, 2008


........deserves a quiet night. I don't think all - oh, you didn't listen to REM in the 90's? Well then, you are missing out!

Anyway, I did my 3 mile run last night and it went pretty well. I ran the first 2 miles in a .5 mile loop which was kind of boring, but nice because I just zoned out and did it without thinking. It was pretty dark out when I started my last mile, but the streetlights in the neighborhood gave off plently of light. I felt like I was keeping up a good pace, but I didn't feel like I was having to push myself too hard. Happily, my pace was 10:35 and I was really pleased with that. Especially because my legs were pretty achy from my ballet workout the night before.

I usually continue to listen to my ipod while I'm walking to cool down. Last night, however, I took my earphones out and just listened to the night sounds. It was so peaceful - well, up until a large dog started running towards me. That kind of ruined my zen-like mood.

Things I learned: I like nightrunning.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

a little vacation

I know, I know, I haven't updated lately. But it's not because I haven't been running - I have! I went out of town for the 4th of July and kind of got off track with my blogging. But now I'm back and ready to report.

I ran 3 miles last Thursday evening and quite honestly did not have the best time. I think part of that was due to my crappy attitude. I was just in a bad mood. I told myself when I left the house that I was going to have a good run and be in a good mood, but once I finished and saw my not so great pace..........my bad mood came back. Oh well, at least I did it.

Next up was my 4 mile run on Sunday. I didn't go in the morning as planned because I had a splitting headache. I ended up going out at about 8:15 that evening. The humidity, even at that time of day, was unbelievable. The air was so thick and heavy. In spite of that, I had a really good run. My pace was not the best, I think it was about 10:45, but I felt great the whole time. I never felt tired or out of breath. I really felt like I could've kept going. I ran at my parents' house so the change of scenery was nice. I need to find more places around here to go running.

Funny thing - I really should have put on bug spray before I went out. The gnats were so freaking annoying out there. Actually, instead of bug spray, I needed a bug deflector. I came in and went upstairs to take a shower - when I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I realized that I had bugs all over my chest! That's right, ladies and gents, I am a human bug deflector. GROSS.

OK -seriously - last update: my 3 mile run on Tuesday SUCKED. I was starving the entire time. I was planning to eat a snack of yogurt and granola before I went out. Unfortunately a storm started heading our way, so I had to move my run up an hour. I have never felt more like stopping on a run before. I powered through it though and unbelievably my pace was 10:35. WTF????? How can I feel great on a run (Sunday) and have a slower pace than when I feel like I am going to collapse? I.just.don't.get.it. I'm relatively new to this whole running thing though, so I guess I'll figure it out eventually.

I've decided that I'm going to post a "things I've learned" section at the end of each post. I learned this week that I *can* eat before I go on a run. I've been so afraid to eat within hours before running because I tend to get stomach cramps very easily. But on Sunday my mom and I had been shopping all day and didn't exactly eat lunch. I was starving so I ended up eating around 5:30ish and was fine in my run later. I was actually already hungry again, but I didn't want to eat too close to my run.

I didn't run yesterday as scheduled because we had another storm roll through. I did my ballet workout instead and I plan to go out and do 3 miles tonight. I'll report on that in a timely fashion and I'll let you know how my new audiobook is!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

i'm kind of a nerd

YEAH!! Last night's run was great! It was only 2 miles, but my pace was 10:08. I've been stuck between 10:30-10:45 for so many weeks now, so it was great to finally break that cycle. As I commented a couple of posts back, my stride feels "bouncier" lately. I know that sounds silly, but that's the only way I can think of to describe it. I am attributing this change to the stretching that I've been doing lately. I really feel like it is making a difference.

So, the reason I'm a nerd. I love to read. A lot. So much that I have downloaded audiobooks onto my ipod to listen to while I run. It really is good motivation to go out and run because you want to hear more of the story. Maybe I'll change the name of this blog to the reading runner - lol. Anyway, I finished my first audiobook last night. Well, not my first ever because Dick Francis got me through a lot of 10 hour drives back and forth to middle Tennessee. But, I digress. I finished listening to "The Friday Night Knitting Club" by Kate Jacobs. I originally chose the book because it is about 15 hours long so I figured that I would get the most for my money that way! It turned out to be a really good book and if I have enough time, I plan to review it on here later.

Today I have a 3 mile run planned and I'll also be starting my newest audiobook: "Second Glance" by Jodi Picoult. How exciting!! Told you I'm a nerd.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

i learned something today....er....yesterday

Yeah........I had good intentions of updating my blog on the actual day that I run, but that doesn't seem to be happening. I am just too tired after running and showering and eating dinner (and having some wine) to get on the computer and try to be clever. Oh well, it's my blog and I make the rules - so there!

Anyway, I did my 3 mile run last night and the weather was SO NICE! I still waited until about 8:15 to go out and it was in the 70's with low humidity - perfect running weather. I felt really good about my run, but I was disappointed with my pace - 10:34. I really felt like I was going faster than that. This weekend I am planning to recalibrate my nike+ to see if that makes a difference.

Speaking of nike+ipod, have I said how much I love that thing? I love that it keeps track of my distance and my pace and that I can check how far along I am in my run at any time. I especially love coming in after a run and downloading my data so that I can see my progress. It is a really cool gadget, I must say! And for those of you that are wondering, you don't have to have the special Nike shoes to use it. You can simply buy a shoe pouch and attach it to your favorite shoes.

Oh, here's what I learned yesterday - deer are really pretty, but they can make really loud noises and scare the crap out of you. Also, when you are planning to run later in the evening, maybe you shouldn't pick blackberries, groom 2 horses, and brush 1 dog before you head out. It will make you tired.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

thanks lance!

So.............I know I'm late on posting, but it's not because I didn't do my FOUR mile run on Sunday! I did it - my longest run ever - as in my whole life. And Lance Armstrong came on my ipod after I finished and congratulated me! I had another congrats when I downloaded my run onto nikeplus and found out that I hit the 100 mile mark on there. All in all a good day.

I did learn a few things that I will take into account on my next long run. I am used to running in the evenings so running on Sunday morning was a switch for me. I am going to stick with doing my long runs on Sunday mornings though because the half marathon is on a Sunday morning, so I will be used to it. I am going to try to go out earlier next time because even though I went out around 8:15am it was already HOT. I also need to remember to eat a good dinner the night before. We went to the beach on Saturday and ate a bunch of crap and got home late that night. I think I would've had a better run if I had prepared better the day/night before.

This week's training plan is a repeat of last week's. I'll be running 3 miles today (Tuesday), 2 miles Wednesday, 3 miles Thursday, and 4 miles Sunday. I was supposed to "stretch and strengthen" yesterday but I was busy giving my dog a bath! That does take some muscle, so that counts, right?