Wednesday, September 10, 2008

rain, rain go away

It's been raining for the last 2 days here, and while we certainly need the precipitation, I also need to run! (never thought I'd say that) It hasn't slowed me down too much yet though. I had a 4 mile run scheduled yesterday and by the time I got home, it was drizzling. I decided to go out right away and hoped I could get done before it got much worse. Wellllllllll, let's just say that didn't work out. I was about a half-mile in when it started to thunder. *side note here: I am scared of storms, like hide under the bed and take a xanax kind of scared* For some crazy reason, I decided to chance it and keep going. I made it about a quarter of a mile further before a huge streak of lightning split the sky right above me. At that moment my fear (and common sense) kicked in and I sprinted to the car. I drove back to the house and tried to decide what to do.

The running bug has bitten me hard in the ass y'all. I made the executive decision to go back out and finish my workout. I checked the radar and it looked like the storm was moving away from the area, so I figured it would be OK. There were a few more rumbles of thunder and 2 crazy bright flashes of lightning, but I finished. It was dark out by that time and I almost collided with a deer, but that really made it more worth it. I'm especially glad that I made the effort since I don't think I am going to be making the effort today. It's raining harder today than it was yesterday and, on top of that, my legs are pretty sore. I've already done the 30 day shred workout today, so it's not like I'm taking the day off completely. It's still light out now, so I may change my mind - we'll see.

1 comment:

ba said...

Just responded to your post on the nest, so I thought I would check out your blog.

Hope you're still having fun with the training!! The half is sooooooo fun!!! I'm looking forward to following your journey!