Tuesday, September 9, 2008

2 months to go.....

The half marathon is two months from today people!! Although I still have a long way to go (6.1 miles) I'm feeling confident that I'll be ready. I am finding out that it is harder to work your way up to 5 miles initially than it is to add another mile to your long run. My long runs should start to be more enjoyable too because I've found a group to run with. I'm really looking forward to having some company on my runs and to meeting new some new people. This group is planning on running the half-marathon too, so I'm excited about that!

I'm really trying to stay on top of my workouts for the next couple of months. In addition to running, I'm also doing this ballet workout once a week and the 30-Day shred workout twice a week. A typical week (in a perfect world) looks like this:

Monday - ballet
Tuesday - 4-5 mile run
Wednesday - 2 mile interval run & 30 day shred workout
Thursday - 4-5 mile run
Friday - 30 day shred workout
Saturday - rest
Sunday - long run

It's keeping me busy, that's for sure.

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