Friday, September 19, 2008

up to 7.5 miles!

I can't believe that it took me so long to share this! I ran 7.5 miles on Monday night. Remember how great I said I felt on my 7 mile run? Well, this was definitely not a repeat of that experience.

I was supposed to run Sunday night, but I didn't, because my Mom was in town and we got a little sidetracked by all of the um, shopping at the outlet mall. So I planned to make it up to myself and my running schedule on Monday night. I was a little hungry when I got home so I thought it would be a good idea to eat a Luna bar for a snack. Guess what? NOT a good idea. I had intense stomach cramps for the first couple of miles. I was literally doubled over at some points. Does that make me dedicated, or just stupid? Not sure.

Around mile 5, things started looking up. That is, until I looked down and saw that I almost stepped on a snake! I generally do not mind snakes, especially not black snakes, but I *really* don't want to step on one. This particular specimen was not a black snake, either. It was patterned with brown, tan, and black - I think that it was probably a corn snake, but it very well could have been a copperhead. I told D about it when I got back to the house and he asked if it had a diamond-shaped head. Now, I know that is how you tell a venomous snake from a non-venomous one, but really? I'm not getting close enough to look.

After my little scare, I went on to finish my run uneventfully. By the time I was through, I was just happy to be done. I did my usual post-run activities - a cool down walk, some stretches, and then a shower. I am having a really hard time eating after my runs lately. I ended up not eating dinner that night, but I was honestly never hungry. I know that's not great for my body's recovery from my run, but I am also stuggling with some other "eating issues." As part of my treament, I am trying very hard to eat only when I am hungry and to make sure I stop when I am full. I know that running is good for me because it is helping me to appreciate my body and not hate it so much, but it also adding another layer to my food struggles. I've gotten a few suggestions and my post-run plan includes: cooking afterwards so that the aromas will tempt my appetite; taking a couple of bites of something because that usually makes me hungry; and if neither one of those work, I will try to sip on a smoothie or protein drink. I feel positive that I'll work this out.

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