Monday, September 22, 2008

unexplained run

bad run
crappy run
hell run
shitty run
unfinished run

Those are a list of titles for this entry that I tossed around while I was running last night. I planned to tell all of you that running EIGHT MILES after all you'd eaten that day was: a poptart, wheat thins (of course), and peanut M&M's - was a BAD idea. Oh and don't forget that you'd had no water all day, only coffee and a diet cherry coke. Yep, that's how I started out on my run, with a sharp pain in my side and a bad attitude. Well guess what, folks?!?! That is evidently a winning combination. I was able to run the full 8 miles at a faster pace than any of my long runs thus far. I've said it before and I'll say it again - WTF?

This is one of the reasons that I have a hard time accepting and respecting my body - because it doesn't make any sense.

Friday, September 19, 2008

up to 7.5 miles!

I can't believe that it took me so long to share this! I ran 7.5 miles on Monday night. Remember how great I said I felt on my 7 mile run? Well, this was definitely not a repeat of that experience.

I was supposed to run Sunday night, but I didn't, because my Mom was in town and we got a little sidetracked by all of the um, shopping at the outlet mall. So I planned to make it up to myself and my running schedule on Monday night. I was a little hungry when I got home so I thought it would be a good idea to eat a Luna bar for a snack. Guess what? NOT a good idea. I had intense stomach cramps for the first couple of miles. I was literally doubled over at some points. Does that make me dedicated, or just stupid? Not sure.

Around mile 5, things started looking up. That is, until I looked down and saw that I almost stepped on a snake! I generally do not mind snakes, especially not black snakes, but I *really* don't want to step on one. This particular specimen was not a black snake, either. It was patterned with brown, tan, and black - I think that it was probably a corn snake, but it very well could have been a copperhead. I told D about it when I got back to the house and he asked if it had a diamond-shaped head. Now, I know that is how you tell a venomous snake from a non-venomous one, but really? I'm not getting close enough to look.

After my little scare, I went on to finish my run uneventfully. By the time I was through, I was just happy to be done. I did my usual post-run activities - a cool down walk, some stretches, and then a shower. I am having a really hard time eating after my runs lately. I ended up not eating dinner that night, but I was honestly never hungry. I know that's not great for my body's recovery from my run, but I am also stuggling with some other "eating issues." As part of my treament, I am trying very hard to eat only when I am hungry and to make sure I stop when I am full. I know that running is good for me because it is helping me to appreciate my body and not hate it so much, but it also adding another layer to my food struggles. I've gotten a few suggestions and my post-run plan includes: cooking afterwards so that the aromas will tempt my appetite; taking a couple of bites of something because that usually makes me hungry; and if neither one of those work, I will try to sip on a smoothie or protein drink. I feel positive that I'll work this out.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

remembering 9/11

Change of pace today.......

When you share a traumatic event with someone, your lives are tied together forever. Every time you think of that person, inevitably you think of that painful memory at the very same instant. Today, I am sure that a lot of people are thinking of that moment, seven years ago today, when the unthinkable happened.

September 11, 2001 started off as any other day for me at the time. I was working at my first job out of college, managing a small horse farm. (who knew you needed a college degree to shovel shit?) I was at the barn early that morning, doing my usual chores as well as getting a horse, Bentley, ready to show to a potential buyer. The first news of the attack that we received was from my assistant Robin's husband. That set off a flurry of calls to Alex (my boss), my parents, and friends. It was very hard for any of us at the barn to wrap our heads around what was happening. There we were, outside on one of the most beautiful days of the season, untouched. I don't think that I could fully comprehend what was happening until I got home and turned on the television. And watched. And cried. For hours.

Whenever I happen to think of Alex, or Robin, or dear sweet Bentley, my mind also goes back to that day that will always connect us. Hug your family extra tightly tonight. God bless.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

rain, rain go away

It's been raining for the last 2 days here, and while we certainly need the precipitation, I also need to run! (never thought I'd say that) It hasn't slowed me down too much yet though. I had a 4 mile run scheduled yesterday and by the time I got home, it was drizzling. I decided to go out right away and hoped I could get done before it got much worse. Wellllllllll, let's just say that didn't work out. I was about a half-mile in when it started to thunder. *side note here: I am scared of storms, like hide under the bed and take a xanax kind of scared* For some crazy reason, I decided to chance it and keep going. I made it about a quarter of a mile further before a huge streak of lightning split the sky right above me. At that moment my fear (and common sense) kicked in and I sprinted to the car. I drove back to the house and tried to decide what to do.

The running bug has bitten me hard in the ass y'all. I made the executive decision to go back out and finish my workout. I checked the radar and it looked like the storm was moving away from the area, so I figured it would be OK. There were a few more rumbles of thunder and 2 crazy bright flashes of lightning, but I finished. It was dark out by that time and I almost collided with a deer, but that really made it more worth it. I'm especially glad that I made the effort since I don't think I am going to be making the effort today. It's raining harder today than it was yesterday and, on top of that, my legs are pretty sore. I've already done the 30 day shred workout today, so it's not like I'm taking the day off completely. It's still light out now, so I may change my mind - we'll see.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

2 months to go.....

The half marathon is two months from today people!! Although I still have a long way to go (6.1 miles) I'm feeling confident that I'll be ready. I am finding out that it is harder to work your way up to 5 miles initially than it is to add another mile to your long run. My long runs should start to be more enjoyable too because I've found a group to run with. I'm really looking forward to having some company on my runs and to meeting new some new people. This group is planning on running the half-marathon too, so I'm excited about that!

I'm really trying to stay on top of my workouts for the next couple of months. In addition to running, I'm also doing this ballet workout once a week and the 30-Day shred workout twice a week. A typical week (in a perfect world) looks like this:

Monday - ballet
Tuesday - 4-5 mile run
Wednesday - 2 mile interval run & 30 day shred workout
Thursday - 4-5 mile run
Friday - 30 day shred workout
Saturday - rest
Sunday - long run

It's keeping me busy, that's for sure.

new look!

I was getting tired of looking at my previous background, so I thought that I would change things up a bit. Thanks to "The Cutest Blog on the Block" I've got a great new *free* background!

Monday, September 8, 2008

halfway there!

Last night I ran 7 miles, so I'm safe to say that I am halfway to my half-marathon distance. Actually a little further than halfway if you want to be precise. My run last night was great. Granted, it wasn't fast, but I felt good the entire time. The past couple of long runs I've done have had me out of breath before mile 2 and limping at toward the end. My left knee has been giving me some trouble, but last night it held up well. It hurt when I first started out (as usual) but after about a mile, it felt fine. It stiffened up a little last night, but it's feeling OK overall today. I'm feeling really confident right now about the half-marathon. I know I'm sure to have some bad runs between now and then, but for now I'm concentrating on how good this past run was!

I started a new book last night too - Certain Girls by Jennifer Weiner. So far it's good enough and easy to listen to. It's always hard to get into a new book in the beginning. I think that I am still emotionally connected to the characters in the book that I was previously reading/listening to. Speaking of, I recommend reading Second Glance by Jodi Picoult. It's a combination love story, ghost story, history lesson. It was very thought provoking and had the usual Jodi Picoult twist (which I love!) at the end.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

new beginnings

Um, yeah, so anyway, where have you been? I mean, I've been posting for the last month, but no one has been reading so I guess the posts like disappeared or something?

OK, I give, I've been a slacker once again. When I first started reading blogs I always got so irritated when bloggers did not update in a timely fashion. So, of course, when I started blogging I thought I would *never* be that way. Life lesson - things don't always go as planned. Let's just chalk it up to summer vacation. Today is the day after Labor Day and while the official start of autumn is a few weeks off, it might as well be today.

If you've ever been a kid in school (which I assume most of you have been) you probably equate this time of year to new beginnings. New school year, fresh start, yadda, yadda. While my I'm not starting a new running plan, I am going to try to start over with this (and possibly my other) blogs. Even though I haven't been blogging, I have been running and I'm still planning on being ready for my 1/2 marathon in November. I ran the Nike+ Human Race 10K on Sunday and I am running a 5K in October. It's a point-to-point so I'm planning on running it back and forth as either a 10K or a 15K. I'll be on vacation during that run, so I'll make that call that day. I remember being so irritated last year with the people who were running it as a 10K - I thought they were just showing off as I could barely run 5K at that point. I guess this year I'll be one of them.

I had a good run tonight - finally! The weather is starting to cool off at night which is good for running, but makes me sad to see summer ending. Another sign of the summer ending is that the sun is setting earlier and earlier. Sigh. That is making it harder and harder to stay up later, so g'night!