Thursday, June 26, 2008

2 days in

I'm not going to lie, yesterday's run was a struggle. That's partially the reason why I didn't update last night - I was just too tired (and lazy.) I'm not sure if it was because it was the first time I had run 2 days in a row or if it was the humidity. It was probably a combination of both. I didn't feel like I was having a good run, but my average pace was 10:32 which I was pleased with.

Physically: My knees felt pretty good except for when I tried to walk DOWN a steep hill during my warm up. I guess I won't be doing that again! I am also developing blisters on the outsides of my big toes. I'm well versed in dealing with painful blisters on my feet and toes after years of dancing. But these blisters are different than the ones that my pointe shoes gave me. They seem to be on top of calluses and I'm not sure if I should try to soften the calluses and file them off or what. I guess I'll do some research on that. My feet look uglier now than they ever did when I was dancing though which is hard to believe! They are working feet though :-)

Ha! Remember how I said that I felt too exposed in just my sports bra and shorts? Well yesterday I threw on a tank top because on Tuesday's run (which I can't believe I forgot to mention) I got wolf-whistled at by I'm guessing a 13 year old boy. Wouldn't he be dsgusted if he knew how old I am? Yeah, evidently I've still got it - I told D to watch out because he's got some competition!

Today I am supposed to run 3 miles. I am trying to decide if I should go ahead and do it today or reschedule it for tomorrow. I am leaning towards waiting just to give myself a day to recover after running 2 days in a row before jumping into 3 days in a row. Plus it is supposed to be near 100 degrees today and that is just way too hot for a tank top over my sports bra!

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