Tuesday, March 31, 2009

race re-cap!

The weather stayed true to the forecast, and while we had some hellacious rain Saturday afternoon, it stayed dry all morning. It was pretty good running weather - about 60 degrees & overcast. It was quite humid though, but I'll take that over rain any day.

The course was a little (ok, a LOT) hillier than I was expecting. I train on hills every time I run simply because they're on my course, but I feel like I could've been better prepared. In spite of the hills slowing me down, I met my goal and finished in under 2 hours. My official time was 1:56:34. That's about 10 minutes faster than my first half marathon back in November. I'm definitely happy with my time, but I can't help but think that I would've been faster if I could lose some weight. I feel like that is really slowing me down.

So on that note, I started the 30-day shred again yesterday. I've never done it for 30 days straight before and I'm interested in seeing the results. I'm "shredding," as the kids are calling it these days, at 6:30am. That way I can still run in the afternoons. That's right, I'm shredding and running. And probably doing ballet one day a week along with horseback riding at least once a week. I'm going to be a busy girl. Especially when July rolls around because that's when I'm starting my fall marathon training.

Yep, I said marathon, as in 26.2 miles. I'll be following Hal Higdon's Novice 2 plan. The first week starts off with a long run of 8 miles. So from now until then I'm going to keep my weekly long runs at 8 miles and over. I'll be doing 3-4 weekday runs per week, ranging from 3-5 miles each. I'll probably throw some 5K & 10K races in there as my schedule permits. It feels really good to have a plan.


Fifty K said...

Congrats on your race. What an awesome time!!! I will start training for a half marathon this summer.

Jackie & Kevin said...

Woot, marathon! Very exciting :)