Wednesday, February 25, 2009

regularly scheduled posting

The running has been going pretty well lately. I went on a cruise the second week of February and I really thought that it would mess up my training plan. I went prepared to run, though, as there was a jogging track onboard the ship. Notice I just said JOGGING track. Not walk around slowly in your bare feet sipping your coffee track. Running on a cruise ship sounded like such an exciting and novel thing to do. It is, sadly, highly overrated. I had to make 9 laps around the track just to run a mile. As if that wasn't unbearable enough, there were so many people! Very frustrating. I really shouldn't complain though since I did get to run overlooking the Caribbean while my running group back home was overlooking the local lake.

I was really proud of myself for sticking with my running while on the cruise. I think that is honestly the first time that I have ever continued exercising while on vacation. I even had to get up early to do it, which is impressive in itself. While cruising, I ran my 6.5 mile long run on Sunday, 4.5 miles on Tuesday, 2 miles on Wednesday, and 4 miles on Thursday. We returned home on that Saturday, so I feasibly could've done my long run on Sunday, but we were busy unpacking and retrieving our dogs from their vacation spots. I ran 7 miles the following Monday, then 4.5 miles Wednesday, 5 miles on Friday, and then 8 miles this past Sunday.

Whew! Did you follow that? I think I'm caught up to this week now. Monday I did ballet, yesterday I ran 4.5 miles, and tonight I have a 3 mile run planned. I'm playing with the idea of adding another run in on Fridays mostly because I feel fat. I know that is not a good reason, but I'd rather do that than any other sort of cardio. Last year I was afraid to push myself into running too many days per week and honestly I didn't really want to. Now I don't dread the thought of it and my runs have felt good lately so I'm going to try it. I'll listen to my body and back off if I need to.

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