Friday, February 27, 2009

5K in the 'hood

In other news, I ran a 5K Wednesday night. Well not exactly "a" 5K because it was just me, running around the neighborhood by myself. I only had a 3 mile run planned for that evening, but once I got out there I was feeling good. So I decided to add that .1 mile onto my workout - haha, I'm so hardcore. I was curious to see what kind of time I could pull if I tried to push myself. I ended up averaging 9:04 per mile! I'm pretty pleased with that number - it's the fastest pace I've ever maintained and the course I ran was pretty hilly. Definitely a good feeling!

weighty issues

I threw out my scale yesterday. Literally. I threw it outside on the cement pavers near our trashcan and hoped it would break. It did not. I went through a long period where I didn't weigh myself at all because I became too obsessed with the number on the scale. About a year or so ago I thought I could deal with having the hated contraption in my house again, but alas, our relationship has not worked out. Goodbye and good riddance.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

regularly scheduled posting

The running has been going pretty well lately. I went on a cruise the second week of February and I really thought that it would mess up my training plan. I went prepared to run, though, as there was a jogging track onboard the ship. Notice I just said JOGGING track. Not walk around slowly in your bare feet sipping your coffee track. Running on a cruise ship sounded like such an exciting and novel thing to do. It is, sadly, highly overrated. I had to make 9 laps around the track just to run a mile. As if that wasn't unbearable enough, there were so many people! Very frustrating. I really shouldn't complain though since I did get to run overlooking the Caribbean while my running group back home was overlooking the local lake.

I was really proud of myself for sticking with my running while on the cruise. I think that is honestly the first time that I have ever continued exercising while on vacation. I even had to get up early to do it, which is impressive in itself. While cruising, I ran my 6.5 mile long run on Sunday, 4.5 miles on Tuesday, 2 miles on Wednesday, and 4 miles on Thursday. We returned home on that Saturday, so I feasibly could've done my long run on Sunday, but we were busy unpacking and retrieving our dogs from their vacation spots. I ran 7 miles the following Monday, then 4.5 miles Wednesday, 5 miles on Friday, and then 8 miles this past Sunday.

Whew! Did you follow that? I think I'm caught up to this week now. Monday I did ballet, yesterday I ran 4.5 miles, and tonight I have a 3 mile run planned. I'm playing with the idea of adding another run in on Fridays mostly because I feel fat. I know that is not a good reason, but I'd rather do that than any other sort of cardio. Last year I was afraid to push myself into running too many days per week and honestly I didn't really want to. Now I don't dread the thought of it and my runs have felt good lately so I'm going to try it. I'll listen to my body and back off if I need to.

4th one's a charm?

4th background layout today - maybe I'll keep it. Me thinks I need more to do at work. Just don't tell my employers that, ok?


I keep changing the background of the blog because I cannot find one I like. Grrrrr. The one before this one (the pink and green one) was super obnoxious. This one is less obnoxious, but still meh, so I dunno. It may be changed again by the time you come back.