Friday, November 7, 2008

why am i doing this again?

I spent three hours trying to take a nap today in three different places - on the couch, in the bed, and then finally in the guest room bed. I didn't sleep a bit, although I did get to watch Obama's first press conference - he looks exhausted. His speech today wasn't as powerful as what we're used to, but I am still excited for him to take office.

I'm sorry, this is not meant to be a political post. This is meant to be a post about ME. Me being tired, me being stressed, me being this close to faking an injury to get out of this whole weekend. Dramatic? Yes. But it's how I feel. I hate that I get stressed out so easily over the littlest things. It's not that I like being that way, I just am.

I've calmed down a bit since those thoughts went through my head earlier. I've gotten almost everything packed and I'm finally sitting on the couch with my laptop, my wine, and What Not to Wear on TV. Ahhhhh. A little time to relax before the weekend begins.

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