Saturday, November 8, 2008

my bags are packed, i'm ready to go

This is it!! We're getting ready to head out to the OBX for my first half-marathon. This is never something that I thought I would be able to do, much less WANT to do. I feel excited and ready.

To anyone reading this thinking "I could never do that," remember that up until about a year ago, I had never run one mile straight in my life. And I'm old, so that's a long time. *if you're old like me, you probably caught the song reference in the post title :-)

The weather looks good, we've got a free place to stay, my parents (and all 4 of our dogs!) are coming, and I've got an awesome group to run with. It's going to be a great weekend.

p.s. although it does suck to load your car in the pouring rain.

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