Thursday, October 30, 2008

i'm superfast

I had no idea how much better it is to run in a group than alone. After my group long run on Sunday, I met up with everyone again on Tuesday for a five miler. Something about being with a group makes the cold more bearable and the distance feel shorter. And I run faster! We started off running about a 9-minute mile and my nike+ipod says that we averaged 10:09 per mile once we were done.

Alas, the past two days I have run alone. Yesterday I did three miles and I really tried to push myself because of my recent paces on the group runs. I knew that my body was capable of going faster so I decided that it needed to work up to its potential. So I pushed and ran like the wind - while I was running I was thinking, "damn, I'm probably burning it up, running a sub-10 minute mile. Go me!" So yeah, when I finished, I found out that it was 10:11 per mile. I'm not saying that's bad AT ALL, but I'm just saying that I expected it to be better because of how much I "felt" like I was pushing myself. I guess I should have expected that because it's always the case. It still makes me wonder about the calibration of my nike+ipod. I think that when I push myself harder, my stride gets longer, BUT because the nike+ works as a pedometer, it thinks that I am just taking less steps, therefore shorter distance than I really am covering. Therefore my pace is not as ...............shit, I am not even making sense to myself at this point. Summary - nike+ is a big fat liar and I most likely run at a 7:00 per mile pace - HA!

1 comment:

Amy said...

The half marathon is just a really big group run, so we should be superfast that day too! :)

Only 8 more days! Woo hoo!