Thursday, December 18, 2008

the other stuff

You may or may not have noticed that I changed the title of my blog after the half-marathon. I wanted to keep blogging, but not solely about running. Ha! That idea went well - I took a little hiatus and blogged about nothing at all. But now I'm back, with an entry about.......drumroll please.............running!

I ran a 10K Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning. Let's just say that staying out drinking until 2:00am the night before a race is not a great idea. Especially when said race is comprised almost entirely of HILLS. Gah. The race sucked, it really did. It was cold out, I was possibly a *little* hungover, and did I mention the hills? The only thing that kept me going was the promise of a trip to Starbucks after the race. Mmmmm.........crack in a cup. Oh yeah, you're probably wondering about my finishing time. Couldn't be great, right? Um, 58:22 - take that uphill race!

Unfortunately, pulling out that time took a lot out of me. I started feeling under the weather on Saturday and was unable to run for about 2.5 weeks. I was worried about how a break that long would affect me. It was hard to get the motivation to get back out there, but I finally did this past Sunday. I did 2 miles that day, 3 miles Monday, and then 3.3 miles last night. The weather has been really mild this week which has made it SO much easier to go outside and do it. I hope I can keep this momentum going once it gets cold again.

I'll do my best to update again soon, but if it takes me a while let me go ahead and say Merry Christmas!

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