Thursday, June 11, 2009

summer runnin'

Is gross. I did not "have me a blast." I waited until around 8pm to run last night in hopes that it would be a little cooler. Cooler is not really the right word to describe it, so let's just say that the temperature was lower. I think that part of the problem is that I run on unshaded asphalt that has baked in the sun When I run, I can feel the heat radiating up in waves towards me. So it was hot - that part was bearable. This part, however, is just disgusting:

That's me after my run last night. And those black spots on my chest and neck are bugs. Gross little irritating bugs that BITE. That get inside your sports bra and BITE. That fly into your eye and BITE. Well ok none of them actually bit my eye, but I'm sure they would've if they could.

Also gross (seriously, I'm warning you): my hair. I have fairly long hair these days and I typically wear it in a ponytail when I run. The problem is that it's so long that the end of the ponytail rests against the top of my back. My very, very sweaty back. Gross is running along with your wet with sweat ponytail hitting your back with each stride. I need a new running hairstyle. The easy solution would be to cut my hair, I know. But I don't wanna. I could french braid it and then pin it up, but that takes so freaking long to do. I could try to loop it up in a bun type deal, but my hair is so thick (woe is me) that most hair elastics aren't strong enough to keep it doubled up. Any long-haired runners out there with any suggestions??


Jamie McQ said...

First off, love the tag on this post "things that are gross" :)

Second - are they dead on your neck?

third... ew.

And the hair. I have very thick hair too, and my friend nikki (from the obx half?) taught me the simplest trick but it works. She triples up on the hairties. I have used 2 ever since she mentioned this. W/ your hair you might not get like a solid HIGH pony to stay, but if you double or triple up the hair ties, you could at least get a bun to be lower but still off your neck and stay put.

IDK if that'll help or work for you...

genniemg said...

I have long hair also. I run with a visor to keep the sweat from getting in my eyes and I use the band on the visor to keep my hair off my back. With out this I think it touches the middle of my back between my sports bra and my neck

About the bugs....ew.

Fifty K said...

If those bugs aren't dead, how did you stay still long enough with them on you alive to take a pic?? I would have been screaming.

I was going to suggest a bun but you said the bands wont work. What about twisting your hair up with a clip?

this girl runs said...

About the bugs - yes, they're dead. I don't know what kills them, maybe the sweat? Or maybe because I'm running as such a high speed that they're killed on impact :-P Either way - GROSS!!