Saturday, October 11, 2008

so, 9.5 miles...............

This morning I went out and ran 9.5 miles - my longest run yet. And Literally. It is now 4:00pm and my legs and butt are still hurting. I don't think that I have felt this bad during or after a run up to this point. In fact, things have been going so well that last night as I was reading about marathons in Runner's World, I actually had the thought in my stupid head, "THAT WOULDN'T BE TOO HARD." OMG, what? Has running fried my brain cells? This morning was a real wake-up call for me. I finished it though and didn't walk a bit, even though I contemplated it.

After a run, and after the half-marathon, I want to be able to say that I "ran" it, not "finished" it. That may be silly, but it's what I've gotten in my head as the goal that I want to accomplish. I have gotten past fretting over my ever slower pace and I don't have a time-goal in my head at all for the half-marathon. I haven't even tried to figure out what an average time is or what my time would be if I ran a certain pace per mile. Right now I'm just concentrating on running, one foot in front of the other, for 13.1 miles.


Amy said...

You're doing great! Don't be too hard on yourself. We all have runs we don't feel our best. You're going to do awesome in the half-marathon!!!

-Amy (alm0407)

Jackie & Kevin said...

No walking = amazing. You're going to rock the 1/2 :)
-Jackie (terp)

Brenda said...

Wow, good for you! My goal is to run more 10K's. I'm a little too old for a half marathon or anything longer. LOL!! I know what you mean about wanting to completely run it instead of finish it. Not sure how I stumbled upon your blog, but I'll stop in again to watch your progress. Keep up the good work. :)