bad run
crappy run
hell run
shitty run
unfinished run
Those are a list of titles for this entry that I tossed around while I was running last night. I planned to tell all of you that running EIGHT MILES after all you'd eaten that day was: a poptart, wheat thins (of course), and peanut M&M's - was a BAD idea. Oh and don't forget that you'd had no water all day, only coffee and a diet cherry coke. Yep, that's how I started out on my run, with a sharp pain in my side and a bad attitude. Well guess what, folks?!?! That is evidently a winning combination. I was able to run the full 8 miles at a faster pace than any of my long runs thus far. I've said it before and I'll say it again - WTF?
This is one of the reasons that I have a hard time accepting and respecting my body - because it doesn't make any sense.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
1 comment:
I would like to say that I had a similar run today... granted it was only 3 miles but like .5 miles in I kept telling myself "time doesn't matter, just finish" bc I had the worst cramps from mackin' on too many pumpkin muffins this morning. Lo and behold, a kickass pace and pretty good time. Go figure.
Mabye that means we're getting BETTER at running? :)
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