Monday, September 8, 2008

halfway there!

Last night I ran 7 miles, so I'm safe to say that I am halfway to my half-marathon distance. Actually a little further than halfway if you want to be precise. My run last night was great. Granted, it wasn't fast, but I felt good the entire time. The past couple of long runs I've done have had me out of breath before mile 2 and limping at toward the end. My left knee has been giving me some trouble, but last night it held up well. It hurt when I first started out (as usual) but after about a mile, it felt fine. It stiffened up a little last night, but it's feeling OK overall today. I'm feeling really confident right now about the half-marathon. I know I'm sure to have some bad runs between now and then, but for now I'm concentrating on how good this past run was!

I started a new book last night too - Certain Girls by Jennifer Weiner. So far it's good enough and easy to listen to. It's always hard to get into a new book in the beginning. I think that I am still emotionally connected to the characters in the book that I was previously reading/listening to. Speaking of, I recommend reading Second Glance by Jodi Picoult. It's a combination love story, ghost story, history lesson. It was very thought provoking and had the usual Jodi Picoult twist (which I love!) at the end.

1 comment:

Kelly Simmons said...

congrats on your running progress! If you're interested in reading a new author, I'm published by the same team that publishes Jodi P. Just trying to get the word out! STANDING STILL, by Kelly Simmons.
Thanks for listening and keep reading!