Thursday, July 17, 2008


I did go for a run on Tuesday as planned. AND I increased my distance to 3.5 miles! It went well, uneventful actually. The weather was nice again, hot, but not humid. I took a day off from running on Wednesday and did the elliptical machine instead. I needed a break after 2 longish runs in a row. I've noticed that I am able to go faster and longer on the elliptical now than when I was not running. That makes working out on that machine more enjoyable.

This is going to be a short entry because honestly, I can't think of much to say and I've got to get back to work. I'm planning to go on another 3.5 mile run tonight.

What I learned Tuesday is that I am much more comfortable running in a cotton tank top than in a synthetic material shirt that is "supposed" to keep me cooler and drier. I have tried my hardest to like those cool-max or dry-weave or whatever material running shirts, but I just don't. I feel sweatier and hotter in those - go figure. I've always been a bit contrary though!

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