Friday, January 23, 2009

13.1 to 32

That's right, I'll be 32 this year. How did that happen? How did I reach my thirties without accomplishing a list of things that I thought I would have? Alas, I have no answers to these questions. Well actually, I guess that is the answer - that I have no answer. Because if I had the answer, I wouldn't be here, wondering what the answer is. Follow me? Do you ever look at a word and think that it looks odd somehow? That is how the word answer looks to me right now. Maybe because I've typed it too many times or maybe because of something more. Maybe it's a parallel to my life and what I am thinking right now.............

LOLOLOL................did you seriously think I was going there with it? Whatevs.

Anyway, the title of this post is in reference to the half-marathon that I am planning on running on March 28th. A mere 2 days before my 32nd birthday. Maybe I shouldn't be splashing my age all across the internets for everyone to see, but I really don't care. I'm pretty sure that you can find out anything you want to know about anyone if you try hard enough.

So, back to running. I'm using Hal Higdon's novice training plan again. I'm sure I could handle the intermediate plan, but to be honest the whole tempo and pace and 400 x however many K's just sounds confusing. I'm using the same plan, but I am pushing myself to go faster. That is a whole lot easier with my new Garmin Forerunner 305! (disclaimer: it's not that easy when you don't realize that there is a backlight so the only time you can see your pace is when you are under a streetlamp) I do *heart* the Forerunner so far, if only because it tells me that I am running faster and further than my nike+ipod. Yes, I've been wearing both for comparison and also to keep my balance. The Forerunner is not exactly small and sleek y'all.

Things I've learned lately: running in the dark and snow is not my favorite thing to do. Especially not when I lock myself out of the car and have to run home down a 55mph country road in the dark. Gah.